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Seated Corporate Massage

A short 15 minute massage which will leave you relaxed and mentally stimulated, ready to return to your tasks with a clear mind.  Easy – just walk in at your appointed time and have a seat in our specialty designed massage therapy chair. You remain fully clothed and no oils or lotions are used.

The massage therapist focuses on the back, neck, and shoulders. The arms and hands are massaged to help prevent repetitive used injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.

Convenient – we come to you! No need to leave your workplace, just reserve time slots to fit your busy schedule.


Seated Massage Can

Reduce muscular tension in arms, back, and neck.


Restore and promote joint flexibility and range of motion.Increase productivity and lowers absenteeism due to stress-related illnesses.


Provide a complete change of pace for the body and mind. It promotes positive attitudes throughout the office.


Research illustrates these points; “Tiffany Fields, Ph.D., and her colleagues at the University of Miami School of Medicine have evidence that shows that therapeutic massage decreases related stress and anxiety, and increases productivity and job satisfaction.”  (From National Health, September/October ’93)

Show the Staff that you care


Encourage employees to sign up and receive the health benefits of massage.


Use it as an incentive program, or bonus for achieving company objects or completion of a project.


Also a great way to recognize birthdays or service anniversaries.


The cost is $15 per person. Paid individually or by the company as part of the wellness program.


A minimum of four people signed up please.

How Can Our Company get a

Seated Corporate Massage?


Simply assign a contact person.  He or she will publicize the program and maintain the sign-up sheet.  We provide the material need​ed and the contact person receives a free seated massage.


Provide a space - conference room, break room or quiet corner is fine.

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